Coordinated a Grantee Reception for organizations that receive funding from Driscoll's.
Facilitated strategic planning meeting for Juntos en Acción Contra la Diabetes, a collaborative formed to raise awareness about diabetes and improve access to care among the Latino community in Watsonville, CA. Developed strategic plan with logic model and evaluation plan.
Developed strategic/sustainability plan for a family resource center
Conducted cultural competence trainings for the staff, management and Board of a nonprofit organization providing substance abuse treatment services.
Oversaw countywide planning and implementation of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Assisted the Watsonville Law Center and its partners with planning and preparing to conduct a presentation on the Economic Justice Project.
Topic: Conducted training on effective governance for the Association's Board of Directors. Provided follow-up consultation on updating by-laws.

Janus of Santa Cruz Conducted cultural competence trainings for the staff, management and Board of a nonprofit organization providing substance abuse treatment services.
California WIC Association Topic: Conducted training on effective governance for the Association's Board of Directors. Provided follow-up consultation on updating by-laws.

Meetings & Events

Salud Para La Gente Facilitated strategic planning meeting for Juntos en Acción Contra la Diabetes, a collaborative formed to raise awareness about diabetes and improve access to care among the Latino community in Watsonville, CA. Developed strategic plan with logic model and evaluation plan.
Community Bridges – La Manzana Community Resources Developed strategic/sustainability plan for a family resource center

Project Management

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